The Tastiest Turkey Taco Salad

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We still had some Mexican cheese left over from our shrimp tacos, so Shorebird and Goat decided to break out this trusty turkey taco salad recipe to use up some of that cheese. We make a lot of our meal choices based off using up the rest of a good ingredient. And this recipe has some special secret ingredients that make it tasty and amazing.

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Start with you lettuce, chopped finely. This salad actually works best if you don’t toss it. And — this is important — it works best setting up each ingredient as its own station and each person building their own bowl. That makes it easier to keep leftovers.

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Here are two of the secret ingredients. Southwestern Style Salsa (from our local Giant!) and taco seasoning. The salsa seems to be bits of tomato, corn, black beans and jalapeno.


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For the turkey just follow the instructions on the seasoning packet. You just brown it, add some water, stir in the seasoning. It takes about 10 minutes.

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Now it’s time for the most important secret ingredient of them all:

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Crush it up and add to your bowl.

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And the final step is adding that layer of Mexican cheese.  Shorebird also made some more Knorr’s Spanish Rice and you can add that to the salad for a delicious bonus.

Taco Salad 6Ingredients

  • 1/2 half head of iceberg lettuce, finely chopped
  • 1 lb ground turkey
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning
  • 1 container of southwestern salsa (or your preferred salsa)
  • 1 bag of chips, we love Cool Ranch Doritos, but any sort of tortilla chip would be good
  • Mexican cheese
  • Spanish rice (optional)


  1. Brown and season ground turkey using directions on seasoning packet
  2. For each bowl, use 1-2 cups shredded lettuce, 2 tablespoons southwestern salsa, 1/2 cup of ground turkey, 1 handful of chips (crushed), 1/2 cup of Spanish rice and a layer of cheese on top.

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